Design and construction of complex mesocosm systems

Mesocosms are partially closed experimental outdoor systems to be used for simulation of biological, chemical and physical processes. Mesocosms provide the opportunity to fill the methodological gap between laboratory experiments and field observations.
They are an important part in climate research since they can help to simulate different future climate scenarios experimentally. With the here developed system it is possible to generate different water levels, currents and tides, to vary the temperatures and to control the pH value by adding CO2.Sensors continuously monitor parameters like temperature, salinity, pCO2, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll a.
The pools are filled with natural sea water and may accommodate various kinds of flora and fauna (algae, shells, macro plankton, …). The influence of changing environmental conditions on these species may provide information concerning the impact of climate change.



Mesocosm data sheet


⦁ reproduceable natural environmental conditions
⦁ full control and supervision of mesocosm experiments
⦁ free adjustable conditions in terms of temperature, pH, currents, and tides
⦁ real-time continuous information about experiment’s condition parameters
⦁ data transmission via satellite, GPRS, UMTS or WiFi/LAN

Options and accessories

⦁ options and settings are individually discussed to fit user’s demands